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November 12, 2021

4 Tips for Planning a Luxurious Wedding

We all want the day of our wedding to be a spectacularly grand and lavish affair. But, while it’s easy to dream up opulent details and breathtaking styling, it can be overwhelming to try and live up to the fantasy if you have no idea what to do. With trends constantly changing, the advice from those who have gotten hitched recently can only get you so far.

The good news is that there are excellent standard practices that the best of the industry use. In this guide, we’ll cover some essential tips that will enable you to plan a personalised wedding that’s as elegant as it is luxurious.

1. Use spreadsheets

As any professional events planner would tell you – always use a spreadsheet. With it, you’ll be able to create a detailed timeline, establish a budget for the affair, compare photography and venue through the likes of House Party Planning, and organise the RSVP to take any guesswork out of the equation.

2. Create a board for your Pinterest account

Pinterest is an excellent place to begin when it comes to getting some fresh ideas for your luxurious wedding. Having a board dedicated to your special day will present you with the opportunity to solidify what you want out of the event. Since you’ll likely pin many of the things that evoke the same feelings you’re looking for, this could eventually evolve into the theme and style of your wedding.

3. Follow your gut, not just trends

There’s no denying that there are many stunning ideas for planning a wedding on the World Wide Web. Still, you must not ignore your individual and distinct style. As easy as it is to be swept by all the details and styling, it’s essential to always go with what resonates with you as a couple and not base your decisions solely on trends. After all, this wedding is yours and not that of the person giving recommendations on social media, and as such, should reflect only you and your partner.

For example, just because a specific catering service comes highly recommended doesn’t mean that you should automatically jump on the bandwagon and choose it. Instead, it would be best if you first research your options when looking for a caterer. In this way, you’ll open yourself up to more opportunities in finding better deals without making any concessions that may drive down quality.

4. Create an appropriate colour scheme

Consistency in both tone and colour can add an expensive and luxurious feel to a wedding. These types of events are generally aesthetic affairs, and by contrasting texture and size, you’ll be able to add an excellent visual appeal. One tip is to take some cues for the colour from the bouquet and gown and let it go through the wedding palette so that everything remains consistent and matches up.


Weddings aren’t rocket science, but they can still be complex affairs. After all, there are many elements that go into creating these kinds of events, from decorative elements and location to the menu, among many other things. However, by taking the time to prepare carefully and plan for the occasion and ensure that no stone is left unturned, you’ll have a wedding celebration that will stay in the hearts and minds of everyone involved.

Instagram / #Luxurialife