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July 29, 2021

Adarve Landscape Design

I have been a Garden Designer since 1988 and since then I have been enjoying a constant flow of fascinating clients and equally fascinating projects.

My method of designing and creating gardens has also been gradually and conscientiously growing hand in hand with my team.

For me, a garden includes a great number of elements, so many that if it were a mental exercise it would end up being a hieroglyph.

My gardens are created from an impulse, a vision, a feeling…that becomes a reality through the great professional team and the most modern technical resources that we have.

The environment in which the garden is located and its owners are essential keys.

For this reason, my gardens are as varied as their owners and places.

In my opinion gardens have a stimulating effect on people.

I am fascinated by the structure and details in gardens and I pay a lot of attention to them when designing, as well as their development and continuity over time.

Currently I am in a moment of plenitude as a designer and my gardens are characterised by being very well structured, with clean lines and strong contrasts and with a balanced combination between DESIGN and ECOLOGY.

In these times, human beings are becoming aware of the importance of taking care of the planet, since taking care of it has a direct impact on our quality of life.

In Beatrice Perlac’s landscaping studio each new garden is conceived with great passion, vision and skill to create a beautiful outdoor space that offers harmony and tranquility.

Diploma en Paisajismo en Castillo de Batres (Madrid), Arquitectura interior I.A.D.E. (Madrid)

Master en Diseño por Ordenador (Madrid)

Titulada en Permacultura (Diseño de Espacios Sostenibles) y Huertos Ecológicos

W: Adarve Delivery
W: Beatrice Perlac
T: + 34 608 29 28 16

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Instagram / #Luxurialife