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July 7, 2022

Do CBD Gummies Have Thc In Them?

CBD Gummies have absolutely no THC in them. CBD is a chemical compound that is naturally produced by marijuana. It is different from THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the chemical that produces a high when inhaled. CBD has no psychotropic qualities, unlike THC. It is understandable to be cautious of products that are related to illicit drugs. Associating CBD with THC is actually a false equivalency. Our in-house legal expert, Tautvydas Sutkus has some helpful advice here. Sutkus is an attorney and counselor-at-law in the State of New York and a solicitor in England and Wales. Sutkus is currently advising brands in the health and wellness industry. Sutkus acknowledges that CBD has a lot of negative biases attached to it. Sutkus assures both brands and consumers that CBD is completely safe and perfectly legal. CBD is filled with endocannabinoids that bind to other endocannabinoids in the body.

Endocannabinoids in the body control things like sleep, pain, appetite, and mood. They are found within organs, skin tissue, muscles, and even the brain. After using CBD, whether it be inhaling, eating, or applying it to the body, endocannabinoids begin to bind to one another. If you are using CBD for pain relief, endocannabinoids will interfere in the nociceptor process that sends pain signals to the brain. Alternatively, endocannabinoids can stabilise your mood by targeting serotonin neurotransmission.

CBD Gummies are small, colourful, edible candy. They come in all sorts of flavours, sizes, shapes, strengths, and colours. CBD Gummies are infused with high-strength CBD oil. So, how long do CBD Gummies last? A CBD Gummy will last for 4-6 hours after it has been eaten and digested. This means you will feel the effects of a CBD Gummy for up to 6 hours. It’s a long time to enjoy pain relief, relax, or sleep. You can even treat all these ailments at the same time with CBD Gummies! CBD Gummies have a shelf life of a year, however, it is recommended to consume them within 9 months of opening. Over time cannabinoids can degrade and lose potency. Remember, they are made of natural ingredients that don’t last forever! Regardless, CBD Gummies are cost-efficient and long-lasting! It is unusual for people to keep them this long. The answer to “how long do CBD Gummies last?” will generally depend on how fast you eat them!

Shopping for CBD Gummies is easy and convenient. You can find CBD Gummies at most health retailers and wellness brands. Simply choose your desired flavour and strength. You can begin to take CBD Gummies straight away! You can individualise the dose of CBD depending on your weight, height, the problem you wish to treat, and how you wish to feel. Most people find that 1-2 CBD Gummies are the perfect amount for pain relief or to assist in sleep. This is because CBD Gummies last for a long time. If you suffer from more extreme, serious conditions you can take a high dose of CBD. CBD can be taken in high doses because it isn’t an intoxicating substance. CBD may cause slight dizziness after significant consumption, but it will never produce a high. This also means that you cannot overdose on CBD. CBD Gummies are great for pain management and reducing inflammation. We particularly love them to promote sleep. CBD Gummies will make you feel calm, more relaxed, and even a bit drowsy. This is the perfect concoction to send you into a deep, restful, undisturbed sleep.

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