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June 6, 2021

Eleiko – Platforms – the foundation for lifting

Platforms are an important part of any lifting environment clearly defining the lifting space while also protecting equipment and floors, and abating noise and vibration. Each platform caters to the style of lifting or environment in terms of size, materials, and dampening properties. Our range include platforms for weightlifting and powerlifting designed specifically for competitions, training facilities, gym and fitness and home training environments.

Eleiko offers a range of platforms for weightlifting and powerlifting well suited for competitions and training facilities, and gym and fitness. Choose from sound and vibration reducing platforms, insert platforms and freestanding platforms to define the lifting space and protect floors and equipment.

Free standing Platforms

Eleiko’s freestanding weightlifting platforms include IWF and IPF – certified platforms for competition and options for training and fitness facilities. The freestanding platforms are crafted of highly durable materials that withstand heavy use and help create a smooth, even surface for lifting, while protecting floors and equipment.

Insert Platforms

Discover Eleiko’s weightlifting and deadlifting platforms – designed for use with half racks and power racks. Choose from standard rubber tile insert platforms or sound and vibration reducing insert platforms to create flexible and diverse training zones in your facility or home.
 Sound Reducing Platforms

Reduce sound and vibration from weightlifting with Eleiko SVR Platforms, cutting noise from dropped weights in half. The sound reduction platforms allow gyms to incorporate weightlifting without disturbing members and neighbours – great for commercial training facilities and home gyms.

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