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June 22, 2022

How to throw a garden party

When summer arrives and we finally get to enjoy those sunny days and long, light evenings, it’s the perfect time to throw a garden party. Planning and running the party can seem daunting but shouldn’t be too difficult as long as you stick to a plan. Below, we explore how you can throw a garden party this summer.

Pick a theme

For a start, you’ll need to pick a theme. This can give your garden party a unique feel and help build the excitement for the guests. Potential theme ideas include Hawaiian, coastal, festival, any movie, vintage or flowery. Once you’ve picked your theme, you can use this to determine the dress code, the invites and the activities you plan.

Plan ahead

Naturally, you should plan ahead to remove as much stress as possible from the process, allowing you to throw a memorable party. This can also give you enough time to send out and get responses to RSVPs, plus it’ll give you enough time to get supplies. You should also look ahead to the weather on the day. If it’s going to get dark in the garden, you can purchase solar lights to provide atmospheric lighting for your guests as the evening draws to a close.

Set the menu

Food is important to any party. It’s a source of excitement and will give your guests the energy they need to enjoy the night. If you’ve picked a theme, your menu should adhere to this. But if not, you can put on an array of summery dishes and canapes for your guests to enjoy. The key to a successful menu is to select a wide variety of dishes and cater to all diets. You should have food for anyone with allergies as well as vegetarian and vegan food. If there are a variety of ages coming to the party, you should bear this in mind too.

Add pest guards

One issue that you might worry about is insects ruining the party for you and your guests. You don’t want to be surrounded by flies or wasps. However, by placing citronella candles and pest covers strategically around your garden, you should be able to ensure that your guests are free from pests. On top of this, if you’re worried that any of your pets struggle with a party, you should plan how you can look after them for the evening, perhaps safely in the house.

Throwing a garden party can be a lot of fun – as long as you plan properly. But by following the advice above, you should be all set to throw a memorable garden party.

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