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May 11, 2023

Innovative Digital Signage Software for Elevating the Modern Luxury Hotel Experience

Modern digital signs have become super cheap because screen manufacturers are churning out Smartphones, tablets, monitors and TVs at a massive rate. The cost of screens is very low in comparison to what it should be, so digital signs are cheap and plentiful. This is one of the reasons why hotels, motels, and B& Bs are adopting digital signs at such a staggering rate. Plus, modern digital signage software is very easy to use, and touch-screen technology is now very easy to install.

All-Purpose Software is Perfect For Hotels

If you think about it, a hotel has to cater to most human needs. From sleeping and showering, to eating, drinking and entertainment. It is therefore no surprise that they are making such good use of all-purpose digital sign software.

They can run simple video feeds to advertise their entertainment, their opening times, and their available spots for top-tier or popular events. They can also run adverts on their signs for taxi firms and local attractions. Digital signs can be used everywhere, from offices to kitchens. Why have a ticket system when food and room-service orders can appear on a digital sign in the kitchen for all the wait staff and chefs to see?

As mentioned below, interactive signs can be used in the rooms, but there are several other places where interactive signs can be used. Digital and receptionist-free check-ins and check-outs are becoming popular, as are car and ticket validation services. There are even digital signs offering event check-in and event placement services. There are also services that only hotel guests can use. They have to wave their card in front of the screen, and it does everything from allowing them to book a further night’s stay, to charging a bunch of drinks to their room.

The Room Experience

In the old days, you had your TV in the hotel room, and it had that annoying video feed that would recycle the same advertisements over and over again for the hotel, the restaurant, the bar, the local attractions, and so forth. It was primitive.

These days, you get your own digital sign. It doesn’t just show you a recycled feed of adverts. It allows you to see all the amenities at the touch of a button. It allows you to book your seat at breakfast, dinner, or lunch. You can see what time the bar is open, you can find the numbers of local taxi firms, and you can do and have everything that the room-service phone lines used to offer.

Why call down with your request for a room service sandwich when you can see their broad selection, along with their drinks, evening meals and snacks?

Is There Room to Grow?

This article has only touched on a few of the ways that luxury hotels are improving their process and service with digital signs. There is obviously more room to grow because each idea mentioned in this article has its own set of nuances and flavors that different hotels are adding. For example, some conference digital signs track entrants by having them sign in, and others will cross-promote other events at the same time so that the people standing around waiting for the event to start can book themselves into (and learn about) other events while they are waiting around.

Digital menus are becoming more commonplace, but luxury hotels like to maintain the human touch, so they play a very reactive game. People looking for an all-digital experience can get one, but people looking to be waited on can also have that. The way that resort hotels are able to advertise local attractions and events is also rather good. They often tell people of things that visitors do not know about because they are buried on the internet and cannot be found without searching for them directly. This helps the hotel, the guest, and the local attractions (who are probably paying for the advertising space).

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