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February 22, 2022

Luxury defined by Jean-Christophe Martinez

Luxuria Lifestyle Caribbean and Miami interviews Jean-Christophe Martinez, General Manager at Fairmont Royal Pavilion, Barbados

What is the definition of luxury at Fairmont Royal Pavilion?

Luxury in our resort means delivering exceptional and uniquely individualised service that turns moments into magical memories for our guests. These positive experiences result in our resort having not only an extremely high number of loyal and repeat guests but also a high number of new guests who choose to stay at Fairmont Royal Pavilion because they were influenced by the recommendations of said loyal guests.

Is there something at the hotel that your guests value above everything else?

Above all, our guests value our people and the five-star service that they receive. They also enjoy our luxurious rooms, especially since they all are beachfront with unobstructed ocean views. Finally, they enjoy the premium quality and diversity of our culinary offerings at our restaurants: Palm Terrace and Taboras.

What would you like your guests to take away from their stay at Fairmont Royal Pavilion?

The welcoming attitude of our team and the beauty and picturesque scenery of our West Coast beach. Guests have the opportunity to reconnect with nature and enjoy a restful holiday with direct access to the calming Caribbean Sea.

What makes Barbados so special for the discerning traveller?

Barbados offers many diverse experiences to meet the needs of discerning travellers. The island offers beautiful pristine beaches, lush nature-based hiking, an excess of nautical activities, visits to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, luxury hotels, and one of the fastest-growing culinary scenes in the region.

And for you, what is luxury?

Luxury should be a full experience for travellers, including service excellence, the quality of the room and their amenities, the beauty and serenity of the gardens, the exceptional location on the beach, and the enjoyment of deliciously diverse and sustainable food. Our guests should feel as though they are in a luxury cocoon from where they never want to leave or to where they always want to return!

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