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April 2, 2023

Notice – A creative workshop more than a traditional hair salon

Finding the right hairdresser can be harder than finding a cute date (there’s no Tinder for hair salon soulmates). And I don’t know about you, but it’s taken a whole lot of stress, deep conditioner and tangle teezers to get my hair in a place I’m not mad about, so the idea of giving someone carte blanche to chop and change my locks, fills me with dread. However, all that (kind of) changed when I bit the bullet and agreed to have a cut and colour at Notice Hair Salon – a newly opened, gender-neutral salon, that bases its prices on hair length, rather than gender.

The stylists at Notice, observe and advise on how to achieve the look you want, creating elegant and beautiful hair. They believe that a great haircut and colour should reflect your personality and individual style. Their philosophy: beautiful hair makes you feel good!

Danilo, Creative Director and Founder, started his career in Italy over 15 years ago, before moving to London to pursue his dream. Danilo’s experience and expertise have taken him all around the world. From assisting celebrity hairdressers for catwalks in London, Paris and Milan. Danilo has also worked with the likes of Gucci, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, and Giorgio Armani, to name but a few. Danilo’s focus is now on his clientele at Notice, specialising in trickier hair types, such as thick and curly hair, creative haircuts and natural-looking balayage.

Walking into the salon, I was hit immediately hit with a sense of calm. Taking my seat, Danilo presented me with a beautiful coffee (needed after commuting in the never-ending rain) and talked me through the best option on how to colour my hair, after asking me a series of questions about my lifestyle, how I usually wear my hair and if I had any specific colour references, I had seen that I liked. Leaving it in Danilo’s hands and after the colour had been applied and left to develop, we headed through to the relaxation and wash basin room. Here, is where I could spend all day and within two minutes, I had gone from speaking 1000 words a minute to total silence. My eyes were closed, and I was high in the heavens whilst Danilo gave me an award-worthy head massage that I didn’t want to ever finish.

Now, having informed Danilo I was slightly scissor-scared, we came to a mutual agreement of not mentioning how many inches were going to be cut off but for my hair to look thicker, healthier and for a few layers to be added in.

An hour later, with zero dead ends, a gorgeous, rich and glossy all-over chocolate brown tint and enough volume in my hair to last a week, I was ready, yet slightly downhearted about leaving this wonderful salon.

Talent isn’t the only thing needed to be a successful stylist, understanding, patience and vision are equally as important, and Danilo has all of these, in abundance.

T:  07504 333 931
A:  Notice Salon, Unit 14, cleeve workshops E2 7JD London
E:  Information
W: Notice Salon

Written by Amber Lauren for Luxuria Lifestyle London and International

Instagram / #Luxurialife