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May 18, 2021

WagIt announces dog-friendly taxi booking service in partnership with Addison Lee

WagIt, the London-based booking platform for dogs and their humans has just added another string to its perfectly formed bow. Not content with pulling together the best groomers, and dog-friendly restaurants and bars in London; making it super simple for their community to book tables, drinks and grooms – they have now made it possible for you to get a taxi to your favourite joint too.

Despite London’s public transport system being fairly dog-friendly, It’s well known across the capital that Uber doesn’t always allow canines in their cabs, buses can refuse you boarding and black cabs are difficult to pre book. Step in WagIt and their partnership with Addison Lee. Not only can you pre-book your taxi to pick you up via WagIt, but the system is incredibly simple to use and you and your furry friend will be welcomed aboard when your driver arrives.

· Launching 17th May, cabs will be bookable on the Wagit interface
· WagIt is free to join and simple to use

With free membership, and no hidden or additional costs, the WagIt service is revolutionary for dog loving Londoners. London has seen the biggest regional spike in dog ownership, up by 84% in 2020 (Quotezone 2021), with a whopping 1 in 4 dog owners buying a pandemic puppy (Kennel Club 2021) demand has never been higher for accessible dog-friendly services.

“The partnership with Addison Lee is so exciting, for too long now Londoners and their pups have had to struggle on public transport, not to only get to the pub or park, but also to get to important Vet check ups and well being prescribed grooming appointments. Lots of Londoners don’t have cars, so to be able to help fellow dog owners get from A to B in a stress-free and safe way is a huge win for me”. Nadia Leguel founder of Wagit says, “I started WagIt when I saw a gap in the market for booking places where not only me, but my dog Lola would be made to feel welcome, but it’s about more than bars and restaurants, dogs, just like people have appointments, operations and check ups to get to, and sometimes the nearest vet is some way away. Our partnership with Addison Lee will help people and their furry friends make those journeys, it’s very exciting”.

During lockdown, Addison Lee recognised the demand for pet friendly taxi services but couldn’t find a way of marketing directly to dog owners, until WagIt came along.

Book online here

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